Monday, October 15, 2012

A Reopening

    I'm not an eloquent writer. I'm not the most insightful person either, but in the end it all doesn't matter. Words are my native environment, my home. They play a huge role in how I live life, and in the drives I have; I'm the type of person who is constantly talking to himself (not out loud of course), possessing an inner dialogue that leads me to the ends of procrastination and anxiety; but at the same time my thoughts are my babies, my thoughts and beliefs about things are a dear and precious parts of me.
     I am not even sure why I am writing this. I guess I simply want to get my ideas out there, to get a medium to discuss whatever comes up in this scattered brain of mine. My friend suggested a twitter, and I can't think of anything in particular the advantages a blogger would have over a twitter--maybe simply letting me ramble on in longer posts. Well, that and I had made this blog a while ago. You can see my me rambling about what I wanted to do with this blog if you scroll down (assuming I'm still using that layout). In general my plans are the same. Well, without the AP world history part. I kind of hope I actually start frequently working on stuff for this blog. It seems like it'd be fun to have the freedom to ramble on and discuss whatever I find interesting.
   So, to you, future reader of this blog, I'm going to do my best to try to write entertaining articles, keep my writing at least to a decent quality, and try to keep up a decent pace of publishing. Hopefully, this will be a humble but successful reopening of my blog.

Friday, February 10, 2012

What I am Planning to do on This Blog.

I made this blog to record and review what I am learning and working on in AP world history, among other subjects. Though I am not forcing myself to only post school related stuff; so I might post some opinions or write about my hobbies, stuff like that.